Advanced Audio Services available!
1 – Audio Restoration (DAT, Vinyl, Cassette)
Remove disturbing Noise, Hiss, Hum, Clicks, Crackles & Glitches.

2 – Restore lost and damaged track parts!
This is a special service for artists, DJ’s and collectors. Save rare and unreleased stuff that only exists on your Dat tape and nowhere else! As i am also a musician & a DJ (thus know exactly what to do), this service is truly one of a kind, probably worldwide! I have done it countless times for DAT Records, for myself and for few collectors, with over 90% success.

3 – Audio Enhance (Equalization, Dynamics, Channel Balance, Spectral Repair etc.)
Revitalize your music! Ideal mostly for DAT & Vinyl rips, however, during years of research, i found out that most of the Vinyl releases plus a lot of commercially released CD’s (mostly from the 90’s) are of very poor quality and some of them are not mastered at all!

4 – Professional Digital Mastering for all kinds of electronic music *
Digital Mastering made with audio software, though can make your mix decent and transparent, it CAN NOT be compared, with a true hardware mastering by a professional! It is a good solution for those who can not afford to pay the (usually) vast amount of money those professionals ask and it is also ideal as a pre-final state of your mix, as you can do things that are not possible to be done with hardware tools! (such as different EQ and different Dynamics to different parts of the track). However, if you plan to release your music on a good label, it is strongly advised, for the final state of your mix, to go for the real thing!

* Prices after agreement
* Contact: [email protected]